Monday 11 June 2007


Silly little duckie. I think he looks cute, preening himself and generating a nice ripple effect at the same time.

This isn't going to be a long post. I have the start of a headache from being on the computer and listening to music (even quietly) for too long, so I know I have to get off quick smart before I aggravate it.

I enojyed today though, mostly. I did my first uni exam and went well in it! Yay for me! It was Physics, one of the subjects I've struggled with this semester, so I'm overjoyed that I was able to get through it fairly well, put an answer to everything and feel that I understood (or at least memorised) most of the important points. So now it's done, and on to the next subject.

I've spent most of my past few days, when I haven't been studying, on a site I've found recently. It's a personal development site, and some of things he says are pretty thought-provoking. Especially the stuff about following your dreams and doing the things you love and getting out of life exactly what you want, not what other people say you should want.

I'll get through my exams and then spend my break pondering all of that and what it means to me. Why am I here, right now, in this place? Why did I feel like I was led to be here? Where is it going (dangerous ground now)? What can I do to make my life better? What are my weaknesses and how can I improve them?

That's a heap of things, and I can't do everything at once. I know that. You know that. Everyone knows that you can't work-play-run-sleep all at the same time (well, maybe occassionally...). So I'll keep my commitments to one at a time for now, while I slowly figure out what commitments I want. And how to be happy NOW. Not later. Not soon. Now.

Smiling is a great start. Smile as often as you can. I think right now, I'll smile, have a chamomile and then sleep. A good start for a new day tomorrow.


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