Sunday 17 June 2007

Big Smiles

Six little birds, all in a row. Lookie at them. They wouldn't let me get much closer; they all flew off about 30 seconds after this photo.

Had a great day today. Finished TWO past Chemistry exams, which makes me feel a lot more confident about the exam. I feel ready for it, which is good, because it's tomorrow! (I'm Miss Exclamation! tonight.)

Not only did I get academic stuff done, but I spent a couple hours 'networking', ie, making friends, which is the first time I've really managed to come out of my shell around here. Felt great. Took up the majority-rest of the evening, but it was worth it. And then I came across the 'Free Hugs Campaign'. What a great way for things to fall together. I need a 'Free Hugs' t-shirt, or jacket, or something. Then I could 'Free Hug' even when I'm doing other things.

Academic, social and personal stuff, all in one day. And I got rained on. Well, can't ask for everything.


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