Wednesday 30 May 2007

Picking Up Myself

Another gorgeous sky at uni today. Taken just after 5pm, maybe around 5.15pm. I'd say the colours were gone by 5.25pm. But for those few minutes, they're wonderful. I enjoyed taking the photos; it only took up about 10-15 minutes of my time, yet it was a great break from thinking about uni. I must remember to allow myself these downtimes and breaks, just not let them dominate everything else.

I've linked to this blog over at Forward Motion. I decided I can keep up with fairly regular posts without too much difficulty, even when I'm busy (or supposed to be busy). These are my thoughts, which I have -- up until now -- been unloading onto the 'Daily Page and Word Count' (ie, daily goals) board at FM. I've never felt 100% comfortable about that, however, because most of the people there are busy enough as it is!

Today I got more done than yesterday, which is always a plus when I'm in a slump. However, my affirmations (and probably also my irriation at myself) worked somewhat today at least: I have not napped, although I did put my head down on my knees for a few minutes. Just to close my eyes. I struggled to get up and decided I should lie in if my body needed to. Also, perhaps tuning in to my trying, my 8am lecture tomorrow is now schedule for 10am, and it's my only class. So a sleep in, breakfast and a morning shower. All ways I like to start my days infinitely more than getting up early and rushing off to class.

Affirmations, so I've heard, work better if phrased positively. So, "I will start something tomorrow" is much better than "I will not delay said something any longer". I have been going to bed too late recently, so I must remember to be mindful of the clock at this time of night, my natural time.

I will finish my chamomile and go to bed soon after.

I'm still not sure how to phrase 'tomorrow' in affirmations. It seems repetitive to repeat it in every affirmation, but at the same time I want to send a clear message to my subconscious: This is what is happening (but not right this second). So, for now, I shall just group my 'tomorrow' affirmations together:

I will complete all my quizzes and be ready to do revision afterwards.
I will wash my dishes.

And now my chamomile is too cold, so I believe it's time to finish this up and head off to bed.


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