Wednesday 23 May 2007

Chamomile Time

I tried to take some photos today. The sky was gorgeous reds and greys, and I caught the colour, but didn't focus properly. I could see the colour literally fading away every moment, so I just grabbed my camera and shot. I didn't have time to run for my tripod, or to figure out the right settings; I just put the focus on 'infinity' and the white-balance on cloudy and started taking.

When I figure out some photo-uploading thingy I'll put some photos up, because even without a proper focus the colours are worth seeing. One day I'll have enough time to get my tripod set up and focus properly.

Busy day today, with three lectures, one lab class and some work done inbetween. Nearly all the semester work done now, with only one project and a few online quizzes left; then all that remains is revision and exams. I need to fix up my schedule so I can do enough practise exams and figure out my weaknesses (what weaknesses? oh, just everything). Soon.

It's the end of a long day; I'll post a topic-ed post sometime soon, but not right now. Right now it's chamomile time and then bed.

Miss Wolvie

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