Tuesday 22 May 2007

On Being Me

Once this first post is done, then the intro is done. Might as well get it over and done with, hadn't I?

Welcome to my world. It's a bit lopsided, a bit mis-matched, but don't worry. It won't make sense, but it'll soon cease to need too. I'm just enjoying being me! Why bother what other people say? If you don't live your life as you need to, then you'll be unhappy.

Not to say being me is easy. But it would be a lot harder if I didn't try to make my own decisions, based on what I find floating about in my mind. (Odd little gremlins aside, that is. They come in later.)

I'm a first-year uni student in Melbourne, Australia. Typical age. Currently living on campus; a recluse in a party paradise isn't the best combination, but I'm coping. I'm doing an Engineering/Science degree and struggling somewhat right now; it's a tough course, and I didn't want to move out of home. In fact, I resisted it until the very last minute, but that only meant that when I did move I hadn't prepared myself for it, mentally. So I've spent the last semester (remember, southern hemisphere, mid-year is just approaching now; it's almost winter here) trying to settle in. My work suffered somewhat and that's a shame, but it's slowly picking back up. Exams are in three weeks, and after those then I can re-evaluate.

What else do I do when I'm not frantically studying or panicking? Well, this and that. I write on-and-off; have for about four or five years now. I've finished one novel and two-three dozen short stories, although none are great yet, and publication eludes me. However, I am trying to keep up with at least some writing, because otherwise all the random ideas that drift around in my head would get lost in this hectic world.

When I remember to carry my camera around, I also take photos. I tend towards nature photos, especially animals. Birds, possums, insects/grubs, a few of my dogs. There's others in there, of course, and the sky around my uni is fairly gorgeous if I can only find a good place to take it.

I'm also learning to cook from my mum. I'm not very good yet, but I am slowly getting there. There's something wonderful about creating something that's beneficial for that day, right there. Cooking two or three different meals all at once, in preparation for the week, or just helping with the dinner for the evening. Discovering how things come together to make something special. It's just as creative as writing and photography, but also completely different.

And that's about it for now. It's getting on late, and I don't tend to sleep well here; I'm betting most people know that the downfall of student accomodation is noise. However, I'm going to grab some chamomile and then head off to bed. Hopefully I'll catch a full nights sleep.

Miss Wolvie

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