Tuesday 4 March 2008

Mostly Uni Stuff

My folders for all my subjects finally done and sorted. I also need to charge and format my poor camera.

It's quite late again; so far my intention of shifting my sleep backwards isn't working. That's okay, because right now it's not the most super-important thing. That, currently, is getting back into uni mode and actually studying and working and getting things done.

Sorting out my folders was one of the first things on the list for uni stuff. There's a huge long list of stuff in my head, so I'm going to splurge them all out into this post and try to get them all down.

1) Get a printer card/credit and print out pages for: Geo, Chem, Computing.
2) Begin working on Civil project, qus 1-6 are already do-able during this week. Get these done by the weekend.
3) Go through everything, all subjects, and mark down all the important dates on my year-calendar. Also include non-uni important stuff.
4) Finish putting up my posters; I've done all of my large ones bar one, but I've run out of bluetac. Therefore, buy more bluetac first.
5) Read Chem and Geo labs before actually doing them.
6) Everything else I remember later.

Um. Can't think of anything else to write right now, so I'm heading off to bed.


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