Thursday 28 February 2008

Old Stuff I've forgotten and New Stuff I'm learning

Another cool campfire photo.

Today was completely a mix of old uni stuff that I really should remember but don't, and oh-crap-scary new stuff. Okay, maybe not quite that scary.

I only had classes for a single subject today, just how it worked out on my timetable, but oh-my-god, I don't remember hardly any of the stuff I need to know and am supposed to know. We're revising in a week a subject that took and entire semester at the start of last year, and not only is it highly compressed but it was a long time ago. So ack. Lots of revision needed, pronto.

In the evening I had my second-ever driving lesson. At night! Actually, it wasn't too bad once I'd actually got in, figured out where all the additional night-buttons were and just started. I could see! And I didn't hit anything OR stall.

Aside from that, it's late. Really late, and I'm tired. I finished off my container of vegie-tomato soup that's really yummy, and I'll write up the recipe for it sometime, but not tonight, because it's slightly more complicated than the chicken soup and I can't be bothered remembering all the stuff.

From my goals list, I did organise a decent amount of my bedroom today. So I know where most things are now. And I did a few ankle exercises this morning, not enough though.

And bugger, I forgot some Wednesday-specific stuff. I didn't pick up my geoscience lab manual like I was supposed to. That's about it, but bugger.

Oh well. Email lady tomorrow, maybe? Ask to pick it up at the end of the lecture since I *can't go* because it *clashes*. Grr.

Ah well. Bedtime, because now is no time for stressing.

Goals for tomorrow include getting that lab manual, practising MATLAB, washing my dishes, sending off an email to the outdoor club and... whatever else turns up. Yeah.


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